[csaa-forum] 'Fresh Water' book launches

Emily Potter ecpotter at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Aug 16 08:59:48 CST 2007

Fresh Water: New Perspectives on Water in Australia edited by Emily Potter, Alison Mackinnon, Stephen McKenzie and Jennifer McKay (MUP, 2007) is to be launched:
In Melbourne on August 20, 6pm for 6.30pm at Readings Books and Music, 309 Lygon Street, Carlton. 
In Adelaide on August 31, 5pm for 5.30pm at the University of South Australia, City West Campus, Bradley Forum, level 5 Hawke Building. 
RSVP for Adelaide launch to Sophie Hastwell at shastwell at icewarm.com.au
Is water a resource or is it the source? Is it something to be consumed or does it have a life of its own? This timely collection of essays addresses the critical and contentious issue of water in Australia today. 


Recent histories of environmental misunderstanding and exploitation shadow our current regime of water management and use. Drought is widespread. While governments grapple with how to respond, the situation worsens. There is something amiss in current approaches to water. 


Fresh Water: New Perspectives on Water in Australia suggests a need to radically rethink our relationship with this fundamental substance. Contributors from a range of fields, from anthropology to visual arts, discuss the various ways in which we are caught up with water, and challenge us to take on the cultural transformations that underpin a sustainable ecological future. 




Dr Emily Potter
ARC Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning
University of Melbourne
Victoria, 3010
p: 03 8344 8769
m: 0407337675
f: 03 8344 5532

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