[csaa-forum] ACS Crossroads Jamaica Session proposals due today

Melissa Gregg m.gregg at uq.edu.au
Tue Jul 31 11:36:18 CST 2007

Dear all,

Those of you busily getting together a proposal for CSAA in SA this  
December to meet today's deadline may want to consider submitting a  
session proposal for Crossroads Jamaica, also due today (technically  
tonight for us I suppose). Individual paper submissions will be due  
later, and I'll pass that info on when it's available.

The website for the conference is now live at: http:// 

Hoping to see lots of Aussies and NZers there,

Best wishes

Dr. Melissa Gregg
ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies
Fourth Floor, Forgan Smith Tower
The University of Queensland
QLD Australia 4072
CRICOS provider number: 00025B

p  + 61 7 3346 9762
m + 61 4 0859 9359
f   + 61 7 3365 7184


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