[csaa-forum] APA scholarship: Call for applications

Vera Christine Mackie vmackie at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jun 15 09:26:12 CST 2007

Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship
School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne

 'The Embodied Experiences of Globalisation in the Asia-Pacific Region'

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for an 
Australian Research Council-funded PhD scholarship to commence in second
semester 2007. The successful applicant should be qualified to enter a PhD
program in Historical Studies at the University of  Melbourne (normally
this means having completed a four-year undergraduate degree, including an
Honours thesis, with a result of  HI or HIIA).

The postgraduate research will be carried out within the School of 
Historical Studies at the University of Melbourne. The APA has become
available as the result of an ARC Discovery Grant awarded to  Vera Mackie.

 The Chief Investigator, Vera Mackie, is engaged in a project on   'The
Cultural History of the Body in Modern Japan'. The �Embodied  Experiences
of Globalisation� is one of the subthemes to be explored in this project.
The PhD candidate will be engaged in a project on some aspect of the
embodied experiences of globalisation in the Asia-Pacific region, in an
area of research which complements that of the Chief Investigator. An
ability to undertake research on primary sources in one of the languages
of the region is desirable.

 The scholarship is available for three years, from second semester 2007,
and the stipend will be that of an APA (currently AU$ $19,616.p.a.)

 A letter of application, with
> 1) a curriculum vitae
> 2) a statement of academic record
> 3) a statement of the proposed research topic and
> 4) the names and addresses of two referees,
 should be submitted to:

Professor Vera Mackie, Department of History, University of
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia by Friday 6 July 2007.

Further information can be obtained from:
Vera Mackie
School of Historical Studies
University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Vic 3010, Australia. email:
vmackie at unimelb.edu.au

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