[csaa-forum] Pressure Points forum

Anna Gibbs a.gibbs at uws.edu.au
Mon Mar 5 16:49:00 CST 2007

Pressure Points: Arabic Perspectives on Tradition and the City
Second Series

Lebanese essayist and cultural journalist Bilal Khbeiz will give a
presentation on the images created and circulated in Lebanon in response to
war and world events, focussing on the geographical specificity of the
images, and the relationship between the new media and these high-impact

Sunday 11 March, 2-4pm
Riverside Theatres - Rafferty's Theatre
cnr Church & Market Sts, Parramatta
Bookings 8839 3399 or boxoffice at riversideparramatta.com.au
Enquiries Mireille Astore m.astore at uws.edu.au

The presentation is part of the 2007 Sydney Arab Film Festival, and will be
followed by screenings of films by Bilal Khbeiz, Lina Saneh, Jayce Salloum
and other Arab film-makers.

Bilal Khbeiz is cultural editor for the newspapers Beirut Al Masa', Al
Nahar, and for Future Television Beirut. His books include That the Body is
Sin and Deliverance (1999), Indolence (with Walid Sadek, 1999), The Water is
Cool in the Coffee Shop (2000), Globalisation and the Manufacture of
Transient Events (2003), The Enduring Image and the Vanishing World (2005).

Bilal Khbeiz will also be appearing at the University of Western Sydney, the
UTS Australian Centre for Independent Journalism, the Marrickville Public
Library and the Liverpool Museum during his stay in Sydney. For further
details please contact Mireille Astore, m.astore at uws.edu.au

The 'Pressure Points' lecture series had been organised by the Writing and
Society Research Group at the University of Western Sydney and the Casula
Powerhouse Arts Centre, in conjunction with the Sydney Arab Film Festival,
and with the support of Marrickville Council and the NSW Government - Arts

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