[csaa-forum] reminder: Lovink on blogging: U. of Sydney: 12 Dec, 6pm

Gerard Goggin gerard.goggin at arts.usyd.edu.au
Mon Dec 11 05:39:49 CST 2006

[apologies for x-posting]

'Blogging, the Nihilist Impulse'
public lecture by Geert Lovink

Tuesday 12 December, 6 - 7.30pm
Eastern Avenue Lecture Theatre
Eastern Avenue Complex, University of Sydney

hosted by the Department of Media and Communication and Digital Cultures
and the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Sydney

About the event:

This lecture-presentation will consist of three parts. In the
introduction Geert Lovink will give an overview of the Institute of
Network Cultures in Amsterdam which he founded in 2004, emphasizing
possible Euro-Australian collaborations. He will then present the main
thesis of his upcoming book 'No Comments', a General Theory of Blogging
that investigates the 'nihilist impulse' behind all the ranking, linking
and commenting. Blogs should not be reduced to news. Instead, the mass
drift to write online diaries should be seen as a defence mechanism to
zero-out mainstream media and create a space for contemplation and
confession. The presentation ends with Mieke Gerritzen's Beautiful
World, a typo-theory film for which Lovink was one of the script writers.

The presentation will be followed by refreshments.

About the presenter:

Geert Lovink (NL/AUS), media theorist, critic and author of 'Dark
Fiber', 'Uncanny Networks', 'My First Recession' and 'The Principle of
Notworking'. He worked on various media projects in Eastern Europe and
India and earned his PhD from the University of Melbourne. In 2003 he
worked as a post-doc researcher at the Centre for Critical and Cultural
Studies, University of Queensland. He is co-founder of Internet projects
such as The Digital City, Nettime, Fibreculture and Incommunicado.

In 2004 Geert became director of the Institute of Network Cultures which
is part of the Interactive Media School at Amsterdam Polytechnic (HvA)
and Associate Professor at the Media & Culture Department, University of
Amsterdam. In 2005-2006 he was a fellow at the Berlin Institute for
Advanced Study where he finished his third volume on critical Internet
culture, Zero Comments (Routledge New York, 2007). His blog may be found
at www.networkcultures.org/geert

Map information for Eastern Ave Lecture Theatre (F19) is at:

For further enquiries contact Dr Gerard Goggin, Dept of Media &
Communications: gerard.goggin at arts.usyd.edu.au or 9036 6424

Dr Gerard Goggin
ARC Australian Research Fellow
Editor, 'Media International Australia'
Department of Media and Communications
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
e-mail: gerard.goggin at arts.usyd.edu.au
p: +61 2 9036 6424  f: 61 2 9351 5444 m: 0428 66 88 24

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