[csaa-forum] FW: Database of research on Cronulla riots: invitation tocontritbute

Amanda Wise amanda.wise at scmp.mq.edu.au
Fri Nov 24 12:40:33 CST 2006

**** Apologies for Cross-Posting***

Dear all,

You are invited to contribute to an informal research database focusing on
the Cronulla riots and their aftermath.

The Centre for Research on Social Inclusion at Macquarie University has been
invited to compile this research database by a consortium of government and
community services providers working in the Sutherland Shire. These include
the Community Relations Commission For a multicultural NSW, Shire Wide Youth
Services and Sutherland Shire Council. 

This has established a Research Steering Committee, in which CRSI
participates as the academic partner.  The Committee has identified the need
for cutting-edge research to be made available to those who are working on
the ground in Cronulla, in the belief that their work could benefit from the
insights of academic researchers and other experts.

We are therefore seeking to establish a comprehensive database of all
research that has been undertaken, or that is currently being undertaken, on
the causes and impacts the Cronulla riots, and on ways to address the
aftermath of those riots. We are interested in research from both the
academic and community sectors.

The database will include both synopses (250 words up to one A4 page) and
where possible electronic copies of the following kinds of works:

. In-progress and completed research projects
. Planned research, including proposed research projects for which funds
have been applied, but the funding outcome is not yet known
. Published and unpublished reports
. Published and unpublished papers of any kind (eg conference papers,
seminar papers, journal articles, book chapters)
. Reports and papers that are works in progress, abstracts, outlines of
projects etc
. Evaluations of community intervention projects related to the Cronulla
. Community surveys of any kind (from the academic and community sectors)
related to the riots 

We would like to invite you to provide us with any of the above, or other,
kinds of research that you may be involved in or aware of. We would also
like to ask if you could kindly forward this email to your colleagues.

Please note that the references and works will be uploaded onto a secure
password protected intranet that will be accessible only to a small circle
of practitioners involved in government and community services dealing with
the impact of the riots. The intranet is being developed by the Centre for
Research on Social Inclusion. 

The use of password protected intranet will ensure that any works in
progress or unpublished works are kept confidential. Unpublished work will
only be quoted or used formally with the permission of the author.  

The research will be used solely to assist the participating community
organisations to gain a greater insight into the causes and impacts of the
riots; to help them plan intervention projects; and to develop appropriate
policy responses. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Amanda Wise,
who is leading this project, on Amanda.wise at scmp.mq.edu.au.

Please make submissions by email to me at crsi at scmp.mq.edu.au  

Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,

Dr Armen Gakavian
Centre Manager
Centre for Research on Social Inclusion
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Tel: +612 9850 9171
Mobile: +614 10 658 905
Fax: +612 9850 9559
Email: crsi at scmp.mq.edu.au 
URL: http://www.crsi.mq.edu.au

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