[csaa-forum] Reclaiming the Margins: Youth, Research, Activism timetable

Cristyn Davies c.m.davies at uws.edu.au
Mon Oct 30 15:47:02 CST 2006

Dear All,
Please find attached the Reclaiming the Margins: Youth, Research, Activism timetable sponsored by the Narrative, Discourse and Pedagogy research concentration on the 3rd and 4th November, building EE, UWS, Parramatta campus from 9.30am-4.30pm. All are welcome. Please RSVP to Sue Saltmarsh s.saltmarsh at uws.edu.au
Cristyn Davies 
Research Officer
Narrative, Discourse and Pedagogy Research Concentration 
University of Western Sydney-
Bankstown AUSTRALIA 
Ph. 61 2 9772 6784 
Fax. 61 2 9772 6738 
Email: c.m.davies at uws.edu.au 
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