[csaa-forum] healthcare tourism

Meredith Jones meredith.jones at uws.edu.au
Mon Mar 20 07:16:04 CST 2006


Does anyone know of work that has been done on healthcare tourism - any discipline - specifically to do with Australia?  I am looking for research about Australians who travel overseas or interstate for medical treatment, and/or about people who travel to Australia for medical treatment.  The definition of 'medical treatment' can be as broad as you wish, from hip replacements to penis enlargements.

Meredith Jones
Centre for Cultural Research www.uws.edu.au/ccr
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797 Penrith South DC NSW 1797 Australia
tel 61 2 9685 9600
fax 61 2 9685 9610
mob 0438 869 364

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