[csaa-forum] radio guests wanted

Buettner, Angi A.Buettner at massey.ac.nz
Mon Feb 6 17:21:39 CST 2006

Dear list members,
Thought some of you might be interested in the below.
Many wishes,

dr angi buettner
school of english & media studies
massey university
pn 241, private bag 11222
palmerston north, new zealand

e  a.buettner at massey.ac.nz
p  +64 6 350 5799 ext. 7278
f  +64 6 350 5672

> ----------
> From: 	Catharine Lumby
> Sent: 	Saturday, January 28, 2006 16:11 PM
> To: 	Buettner, Angi
> Subject: 	[Fwd: radio guests wanted]
> -------- Original Message -------- 
> Subject: 	radio guests wanted	 
> Date: 	Fri, 27 Jan 2006 14:19:12 +1100	 
> From: 	David Rutledge <Rutledge.David at abc.net.au>	 
> To: 	<catharine.lumby at arts.usyd.edu.au>	 
> Hi there - 
> My name is David Rutledge and I am a producer/presenter of "Encounter" at ABC Radio National. Encounter is the ABC's weekly religious feature documentary program, broadcasting across Australia, throughout the Asia/Pacific region, Canada and the USA.
> I'm currently putting together a program looking at some of the themes & issues that generally go under the banner of Postmodernism. Central to this exploration will be the question of postmodern ethics, and whether or not we're moving from an era of moral/ethical relativism into an era of certainty.
> With this in mind, I'm looking for a group of students to include in the program. What I'd like to do is get a number of people together to talk more-or-less informally about their take on certainty: certainty in moral behaviour, certainty in one's own sense of cultural or gender identity, certainty with regard to some of the bigger post-Sept 11 questions (e.g. does the West today need to rediscover its own cultural "anchor", as a response to the threat of fundamentalist terrorism?)
> The conversation will take place as a sort of seminar or group discussion, and will be pre-recorded and edited for later broadcast as part of a feature documentary program. Participants will not be identified on air. The discussion will go for an hour or so, and will take place in Sydney some time around mid-February (depending on when I can get people together). Venue yet to be arranged.
> If you'd like to participate, I'd love to hear from you. Main qualifications are a lively interest in the above issues, and an enthusiasm for talking & batting ideas around. Intimate knowledge of the complete works of post-1968 French theorists not necessary, although a broad philosophical acquaintance with what people generally think they mean by that awful term "postmodernism" will be helpful.
> Contact details below - please phone or email me on rutledge.david at abc.net.au 
> ..................................
> David Rutledge
> Encounter
> ABC Radio National
> 5th floor, 700 Harris Street
> Ultimo, N.S.W. 2007
> Australia
> phone +61 2 9333 2846
> fax +61 2 9333 2830
> http://www.abc.net.au/rn/relig/enc/default.htm

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