[csaa-forum] Transformations issues 11 and 12 now out

Warwick Mules w.mules at cqu.edu.au
Fri Dec 16 11:36:10 CST 2005

We have just released two new issues of Transformations.

No. 11 Edges and Centres: Contemporary Experience and Lifestyle

No. 12 Rethinking Regionality

To access Transformations please go to


Issue No. 11 (November 2005) - Edges and Centres: Contemporary 
Experience and Lifestyle

In his book The Experience of Freedom, Jean-Luc Nancy describes 
experience as the site of a perilous freedom: "an experience is an 
attempt executed without reserve, given over to the peril of its own 
lack of foundation and security in this 'object' of which it is not 
the subject but instead the passion" (20). Experience is what a 
subject 'has' as a response to the forces of capital, technology, and 
the discursive practices that produce the body as an object in a 
field of forces that perpetually inform the subject's feeling and 
orientation to the world. Experience is both inside and outside the 
body, a perilous journey that both confirms and undermines the 
foundations of subjectivity.

The articles in this issue of Transformations examine contemporary 
experience as the effect of technologies of mediation and 
representation, as well as lifestyle exchanges that flow into and out 
of everyday life. There are edge experiences and cIsentre 
experiences. Simply put, edge experiences dismantle centred 
subjectivity and the categories of subjectification that identify 
subjects in their subordination to discourse; centre experiences 
confirm the identity of subjects to discourse. Both edge and centre 
experiences involve the empowerment and disempowerment of subjects as 
living beings, and define limit potentials for life as it might be 

Issue No. 12 (December 2005) - Rethinking Regionality

This issue of Transformations, titled "Rethinking Regionality", 
arises from a mini-conference titled Concepts for Change: 
Representation, Community and the Transformative Power of Technology. 
This conference was held at Bundaberg in November 2004 as a joint 
production of the Transformations journal and the Bundaberg Media 
Research Group.

Globalisation and all that can be implied by that term has been 
exerting considerable pressure on the traditional idea of regions and 
on everyday life in the regions. This issue of Transformations is 
interested in exploring beyond the centre-periphery model of 
regionality, and particularly with both critical and artistic 
engagements with regionality.

The articles and artworks in this issue explore, in various ways, new 
and transformed approaches for engaging a critical regionality.



Dr. Warwick Mules				Editor Transformations
Cultural Studies, 
Humanities, Central Queensland University
Bundaberg Campus,				email: w.mules at cqu.edu.au
Locked Bag 3333 DC				phone: 0741 507142
Bundaberg, Queensland,			mobile: 04122 92541
Australia  4670				fax:   0741 507080
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