[csaa-forum] Expressions of interest - "CONSUMER AUSTRALIA: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE"

Tseen Khoo tseen.khoo at arts.monash.edu.au
Thu Aug 11 11:01:19 CST 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Please feel free to pass the following announcement on to other
colleagues or postgrads who may be interested.



Friday 4 February 2006
Monash University

Consumption has assumed an increasingly important role in the daily
lives of all Australians. Rather than being an activity that serves to
make life easier, consumption has progressively become a way of life
for millions of Australians. The ensuing culture of consumption has not
only affected the way Australians live, it has also had a marked impact
on the ways in which they have identified themselves – both as
individuals and as citizens of the nation.

The “Consumer Australia” workshop will explore the growth and
development of the culture of consumption in Australia by bringing
together scholars from various disciplines. Papers are sought from
scholars working in any of the following areas of study:

• Advertising
• Cars
• Consumer Patterns
• Consumerism
• Food / Drink
• Housing
• Literature
• Marketing
• Media
• Popular Culture
• Sport

By bringing together scholars with diverse backgrounds and
specialisations, it is hoped that the workshop will stimulate the
production of vibrant papers that are characterised by their
interdisciplinary approach to consumption in Australia.

It is anticipated that a peer-refereed publication will be produced
from the workshop presentations.

Please forward your expressions of interest and any questions to:

Dr Robert Crawford
National Centre for Australian Studies
Monash University
Email: Robert.Crawford at arts.monash.edu.au
Phone: 03 9905 4205

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