[csaa-forum] Feminist writing about cosmetic surgery - Abstracts Due August 15

Meredith Jones meredith.jones at uws.edu.au
Tue Aug 2 17:18:57 CST 2005

Call for Papers

Anthology of feminist writing about cosmetic surgery


Working title: "Feminist Perspectives on Cosmetic Surgery"

This multi-disciplinary anthology will provide the first scholarly
volume dedicated to feminist perspectives on cosmetic surgery. We are
currently seeking abstracts of between 600 and 1000 words for chapters
of up to 6000 words. Proposals for shorter pieces, artist's statements,
and printable art works will also be considered. Submissions from
(post)graduate students are welcome. Possible topics include:

*	Cosmetic Surgery and Ethnicity
*	The Class Politics of Cosmetic Surgery
*	Cosmetic Surgery and Aging
*	Cosmetic Surgery, Choice, and Agency
*	Cosmetic Surgery and Femininity/Masculinity
*	Cosmetic Surgery's relation to health care systems and medical
*	Cosmetic Surgeons
*	Reality or 'Makeover' Television
*	Representations of Cosmetic Surgery in Cinema
*	Cosmetic Surgery and Transgender or Intersex Issues
*	Art and Cosmetic Surgery, or Cosmetic Surgery as Art
*	Relation between Cosmetic Surgery and Body Modification
*	Cosmetic Surgery Advertising
*	Cosmetic Surgery and Beauty Pageants
*	Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery
*	Cosmetic Surgery Tourism
*	Cosmetic Surgery and the Posthuman / the Transhuman 
*	Cosmetic Surgery and Globalisation

Please send abstracts (of between 600 and 1000 words for a 6000 word
chapter) to the editors, Cressida Heyes (cressida.heyes at ualberta.ca) and
Meredith Jones (meredith.jones at uws.edu.au) by August 15, 2005. Include a
brief CV and list of publications. Do not hesitate to contact the
editors for further information.

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