[csaa-forum] Writing Cultural Studies Papers, and more

Danny Butt db at dannybutt.net
Fri Dec 10 19:27:24 CST 2004

Hope yr all having fun in Perth!

This is a little late, but for those that don't follow Terri Senft (an NYU
grad with an excellent site), she's just posted a whole bunch of stuff
that's going to interest many of you for teaching and learning purposes. The
guide to writing CS papers is a very useful document that covers almost all
of the things I've ever put into handouts on writing, only much more
succinctly. Share the wealth.


Tis the Season to Write Papers

I know some of you are in the trenches at this moment, so I'm posting some
links that you can take or leave as you'd like. Good luck, and remember to
get sleep!

First, here's Terri's guide to writing cultural studies papers

Next, here's Terri's guide to writing a Letter of Intent for those applying
to grad school in the humanities.

And there's more!

Terri's Feminism lectures

What is a Feminist Theorist?
Catching waves in feminism
First Wave Feminism: 1848-1963
Feminism's Second Wave: 1963-1982
Third Wave Feminism: 1983-today
What's a Cyberfeminist?
Why it doesn't work to say "I'm a Humanist."
Terri's Top Ten Feminist Books

Terri's General Lectures

Postructuralism for Beginners
Postmodernism: An Intro. of Sorts
Postcolonialism Riff

Terri's close Readings of texts that make you go Hmmm...

 Reading notes for Douglas B. Holt's "Why Do Brands Cause Trouble?"
Reading notes for Lawrence Lessig's, Future of Ideas (Part One)
My reading notes for Donna Haraway's "Cyborg Manifesto"
 My essay on Derrida's Spectres of Marx (Introduction)
A little paper on Mudimbe
Gayatri Spivak Easy Reader piece

Lynn Schofield-Clark's excellent essays for graduate students (especially in
communications and media studies.

Why Go to Conferences?
 Conference Deadlines
How to Turn a Class Paper into a Conference Paper
 Journals to Read and Publish in for Critical/Cultural Studies


#place: location, cultural politics, and social technologies:

[ Lilith] laughed bitterly. "I suppose I could think of this as fieldwork -
but how the hell do I get out of the field ?" (Octavia E. Butler, _Dawn_)

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