[csaa-forum] polling booth participant observation 101

Kirsty Leishman kirsty_leishman at yahoo.com.au
Thu Oct 14 22:41:43 CST 2004

 --- charlotte <lottec at orcon.net.nz> wrote: 
 and there's little wonder that young
> people are 
> disinterested in the voting process (scary but true
> to think that i 
> have more in common with the australian idol
> contestants than i do with 
> the members of the senate!).

As I was catching a bus after a class on Monday night,
one of my students received a text message. He turned
to me and reported "Oh my god, Ricki-Lee just got
voted out of Idol". I responded, "I thought she was
going to win", then he said, plaintively, "I know!" 
The very next day, in another subject,
self-recriminations abounded. One girl covered her
face with her hands and lamented it had been the first
week she had not voted for Ricki-Lee. 

After watching Inside Idol it seems the devastation
was widespread. Dicko blames a complacent fan-base.
Mark and Marcia agree: you have to vote. I voted for
Chanel, three times, because she has been in the
bottom three on a regular basis. And I want her to


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