[csaa-forum] ads for events for newsletter

Greg Noble g.noble at uws.edu.au
Tue Oct 5 08:07:03 CST 2004

Hi all

I'm putting together the CSAA newsletter this week and wanted to know 
if there were any events that people wish to advertise in the 
newsletter - conferences, workshops, CFPs, etc

Given that the newsletter may take 3 weeks to get out, please only 
send me details of events from no earlier than, say, mid-November. 
Include 2005 events by all means!

Dr Greg Noble

School of Humanities             	ph:     (02) 47 360 365
University of Western Sydney
C Bldg, Kingswood campus
Locked Bag 1797                     	email: g.noble at uws.edu.au
Penrith South DC
NSW 1797

Researcher, Centre for Cultural Research
Parramatta Campus, UWS

Co-author of Bin Laden in the Suburbs: Criminalising the Arab Other 
(Sydney Institute of Criminology, 2004)

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