[csaa-forum] the ivory ceiling

rebecca farley farleyrebecca at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 10 16:36:21 CST 2004

Cheers Mel - what a good question! As a nearly-finished phd *seriously* disheartened by my first year of work in a UK university I would also be very keen to hear what other options there might be.
Rebecca F

m.campbell3 at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au wrote:
I'd be interested to see what opportunities people on this list see for 'academic' (i.e. conceptually rigorous, theoretically engaged) work outside the academy. The example I come up against all the time is Meaghan Morris, but wasn't she 'established' as an academic before going freelance?

It seems to me that, despite all the pitfalls mentioned by Danny (and John in his fibreculture post), having a job at a university seems to be the only way that your thoughts can have any public legitimacy. Journalists or writers of books can be dismissed as intellectual lightweights or disconnected ranters. Bloggers or other online commentators can be dismissed for being too ephemeral or 'inaccessible.'

I also find the current turn towards industry collaboration quite disheartening. I enjoy the 'independence' that the academy provides, even if these days it's illusory.

Any ideas?


In message Danny Butt 
> On 8/10/04 3:49 PM, "Barbara Baird" wrote:
> > - and I've just read this one and wanted to say thanks- I can't
> > believe all your 'I will follow up what he's written's' - if you have
> > that much time then I want your job -
> While greatly appreciative of this feedback from Barbara (and others
> offlist), I have to set the record straight that anyone who wants my
> part-time academic employment is welcome to it if they also take on my VISA
> bills from periods of unpaid research leave and self-funded conference
> travel :).
> As was made pretty clear by john pace in an excellent recent post to
> Fibreculture, the "pipe smoking renaissance professorships" are obviously in
> some parallel universe to the ones we're in.
> => http://lists.myspinach.org/archives/fibreculture/2004-August/003807.html
> That said, I could start wearing cardigans if someone paid me enough. (I'm
> tempted to make a joke about uniform allowances and design/CI faculties, do
> any fashion scholars get support to "embody the values of the programme" :)?
> x.d
> --
> http://www.dannybutt.net
> #place: location, cultural politics, and social technologies:
> http://www.place.net.nz
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m.campbell3 at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au

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